Welcome to AUIT's New Science Video Page. I plan to update this page, which is currently under testing, every two weeks or so with new Video - Podcasts - Animations and other astronomy related media from across the internet.

Starting things off is this very excellent KQED/Quest interview with current SETI director Dr. Jill Tarter. You may remember her as the astronomer who original proposed, I believe in an unpublished paper in 1975, the name Brown Dwarf for that class of cool stars. I found this interview very interesting and Dr. Tarter very articulate. Enjoy!

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Interview was conducted on site at the Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, CA. Part I & II Duration: Apprx. 32:00mins Rating: Excellent Year: 2007

I & II

Also Presented -
Amature Astronomer John Dobson, from the Streets of San Francisco
Running Time: 9:42

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