My News

The new pages are starting to go up (see below) and will continue until finished. I am currently corresponding with several web site authors regarding their expertise as I continue work on the new "Featured Web Sites of the Month" links.

Thank You

This page represents over 12 years of internet research in astronomy and general science. I wish to express some very heartfelt thanks to all the individuals, institutions and site creators who have contributed freely or by permission to the contents herein, without which this site would not be possible -- THANK YOU!!

Categorized Links

Under Construction

Image Archives
Besides the usual archives found on this page I've gathered a rather extensive list of others with images both private (copyright) and public (credited use)
Sketching, Art, Astrophotography, Composite and CCD
Whether you're into digital composite imagery, astrophotography, CCD imaging or have a flair for the artistic side, here's a listing of some very excellent sites to both please the eye and help the beginning, intermediate or advance pupil in science based photography to computer designed art.
Binary Stars - Gravitional Attraction - Kepler's Three Laws - The Doppler Effect and more... one of the nicer points of on line education is the ability to visualize what is being taught. With that in mind this link category has many fine astronomy & science lab simulations and movies. Note: some of the movies can be quite large and may take a few minutes to appear in your player.
Meaning to do
More confortable learning on your own? Wish to see if astronomy or physics in general is right for you? No problem, as there is a plethora of sites, from private individuals to universities who offer, for absolutely FREE, complete course in various astronomical pursuits. The labs and instruction vary in degree but there is something here for everyone.

Welcome to AUIT's new Links & Credits Page

This page was created in November, 2008. Revised & updated March, 2009


On this page are the links to Observatories, Image Archives, Education Material & Software for all levels, Abstract Archives, Telescopes, Technical Details, Object Plotting, Name/Object/Coordinate Searches, Animations, NASA/JPL, NASA/ESA Hubble, Universities, Individual Academic/Amateur Astronomers, Interactive Physics, Astro-Composite Image Artists, Astro-Digital Photographers, Private Contributors, la Galerie d'Art (sorry, just practicing my French) Art galleries, Student papers, Personal Observations & Photos and more to be added in the future...whew!

To Navigate is to Understand...The educational links on this page range from those that require advanced knowledge in the physic's disciplina [ exemplí grátiá, the ArXiv Archive in Astrophysics at Cornell University ] to the grade school level (e.g., NASA offers a wonderful page and links for youngsters). For relevence, some links will display the following skill level: 0 K-6 School Level and Above; 1 7-11 School Level and Above; 10 12-College Level and Above.

The Links